prism #25 : GHOST #1

prism Gets New Spectral Clothes
A Letter From the Editor
Edited by Karol Liver

Hello there. Karol Liver here, prism's father and main editor. Who said changes aren't good. They sure are, keeping your life in motion and providing you with new stimuli to boost your creative flux. I am currently on a Tour de Force around mother Gaia on a quest of self exploration and expansion and, as prism is my beloved offspring, my state of personal affairs and rather adventurous period of my life influence and also morph its shape into something new. To make things loud and clear and brief, prism is all well and alive, but getting new spectral clothes!

While the formula of prism - editorial collective dedicated to contemporary photographic medium - represented by e-mag, blog and curatorial initiative remains untouched, the weight between those three pillars is going to be redistributed slightly. 

My focus is now being adjusted towards fluid, re-shareable content, that on social media and blogsphere in particular. I see prism network as a multi-platform that allows artists, both established and emerging talents, to be seen and their work discussed and accessed easily via various spaces. I was always sad to see 80% of amazing submissions never being published in the final e-magazine, only due to a limited capacity I could offer. I simply never found this efficient enough and in line with the main idea of prism, which is to expose. 

Our beautiful army of followers is going strong in numbers with over 10k followers on various social network platforms (6.6k on fb, 1.3k on twitter and 1.2 on issuu), so let's feed those beautiful eyes with more inspirational content and use prism's multiverse to benefit the above mentioned cause.

The e-magazine, in the PDF format is to be changed to a yearly digital "book" - a selection of the best of the best of contemporary photography, distributed digitally and, fingers all crossed, physically too. I see this exclusive annual publication as carefully crafted selection of the best of the best from prism's network, including the new format of the magazine that I am just about to launch. Let me explain.

Tomorrow, a new chapter of prism will be opened, with a new issue of prism #25 called GHOST, as this time things will be slightly different, and more.. ghostly. Fear not, as this only indicates prism transition from its previous closed PDF shape into more phantom, spectral, ethereal form, you name it. Instead of a fixed file, that I personally found difficult to distribute freely (and with all those issues with issuu censorship etc. not also nice sometimes), I will now feature photographers from our submission process on our blog directly (You are here, so I guess you have found the way to here safely). Every couple of days we will present you with a new name to discover and remember. Once fifteen consecutive photographers are featured on blog the ghostly issue will be sealed. So it's even me, chief editor, who does not know the final shape of the upcoming issue that will launch tomorrow. It will appear from the mist of our unlimited creative potential. It's an experiment that I find super cool and am extremely excited about. 

Also, the biggest change that I will expose in more details is the drift I want prism to sail in the upcoming months, opening its space for young curators and editors. The idea is simple - I see it as open source platform to be used by curators and editors, especially young ones who are looking for a network to publish their work on and be seen. The place is here, the network is created, the audience is there. You don't know where to start? Be my guest. I will expand on this idea in the next few weeks when frames for this endeavour is constructed, for now I am just crazy excited about moving this forward. 

My brief talk is about to conclude, so please stay tuned dear lovely folks and check out our space tomorrow. Something ghostly this way comes!

Peace and love, 