Untitled from Attention Seekers (2010-2011), Miriam O'Connor |
'Still, We Work', Gallery of Photography, 19th-26th October
National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI) will present STILL, WE WORK, an exhibition featuring artists Sarah Browne, Vagabond Reviews, Miriam O’Connor (prism #01) and Anne Tallentire. The exhibition has been devised as part of NWCI’s Legacy Project developed by project curator Valerie Connor for NWCI to mark their 40th anniversary year and is funded by the Atlantic Philanthropies. The artists were asked to reflect on contemporary representations of women’s work in the context of the centenary of the 1913 Dublin Lockout. They have responded by making new works addressing women’s experience of precarious contemporary working conditions and the invisibility of much of ‘women’s work’.
STILL, WE WORK will be launched in the Gallery of Photography, Dublin, on October 18 and is open to the public from 19th to 26th October. Admission is free.