Warsaw Photo Days Festival calls for submissions!

Submissions are now being accepted for Warsaw Photo Days 2013 Open Programme based under the theme ‘CLASH’. WPD is a new festival of photography organised by the Association of Polish Artists Photographers Warsaw District. Its first edition will take place in October 2013.

Open Programme welcomes entries from international visual artists, supporting all disciplines of photographic (and photography-based) practice.

Jury will select 3-5 projects which will be exhibited during the festival.

The theme for the festival - ‘CLASH’ - may be understood and interpreted in a number of ways e.g.: mixed media practices, opposites, meetings, collisions, borders, body / spirituality, male / female, pixel / grain, full / void, culture / nature, passive / active, tradition / modernity, life / death, open / closed, light / dark, synthesis, pop culture / kitsch / high culture, global / local, documentary / fiction and others.

WPD is looking for both photographic and mixed media projects using photography or video.

prism is happy to officially support and be in partnership with first edition of the festival.

Guidelines can be found here.